As many of you may know, my entry way into COR was through the Noble Man program, many years ago, but despite having been immersed in this world for a long time, I still need to do my own work to maintain my Healthy Self and cultivate strong relationships with those around me. I want to speak to a really rich experience I had a couple weeks ago at our Men’s Immersion Weekend – it was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve had in a long time. 

Experiencing the Men’s Immersion Process

I’m particularly curious about how shadows are coming up for me recently, and how my Survivor Self is functioning these days. Life is overwhelming sometimes – it’s been a hard year for a lot of us, myself included, so when the opportunity came up for me to attend our Men’s Immersion weekend a couple of weeks ago, I jumped on it. 

I think the main reason I wanted to get back into this work now is because I have really been feeling the need to grow further, especially around the feminine, in recent months. My relationship to my mom is a challenging one. The way my relationship with the feminine shows up in the chaos of my life affects my relationship with my beautiful wife, and with other women around me. So I just jumped on this opportunity to immerse myself in this work for a couple of days. And let me tell you, it was extraordinarily powerful.

To revisit this work and see how my Survivor Self is showing up in my life now, in the present, as opposed to when I first did this work and first undertook my own Noble Man journey so long ago, is an incredibly powerful experience. The way it particularly has shown up for me lately is as a sense of overwhelm, and of freezing. I think my tendency, when faced with stressful situations of any kind, is not to jump into a fight or flight mode, but instead, to fall into a sense of freezing. Some of you may relate to this. It’s really powerful to see how that response shows up in my professional and personal relationship, and to leave the Men’s Immersion with new tools. 


One of the tools I found myself leaving the weekend with was a renewed sense of innocence. It was really beautiful to discover a sense of innocence, a child-like quality, within myself that I had neglected. I spend very little time tending to my inner child, so to have that space created for me where I could hold that intention, and have that held for me by the women running the Immersion Weekend was just amazing. I also obtained through this a renewed sense of innocence for the women in my life, for Britta, for my mom, and for my life itself.  


The other tool and intention I took away from this weekend was this sense of calm – the calm in the middle of the storm. It was a sense of calm that carried us through the entire weekend, and one of the more tangible elements I was able to leave with. This was a beautiful tool to leave the weekend feeling confident in, and to be able to bring right into the busyness of my life. 

The Divine Feminine

One other huge gift I received as a result of this weekend, and that was totally unexpected, was a new image for the divine feminine. At COR, we’re very into the idea of “grace”, which you can replace with whatever word you like – God, a higher power, etc. 

I believe myself to be fairly well in touch with the masculine face of grace, and I find myself connecting with that spiritual side of grace in my regular life. But I really left this weekend with a new, deep impression of the divine feminine and the way I’m held in that manifestation of grace. It’s truly personal to me, and that image is imprinted on me. It’s still with me weeks later, and I expect it’s going to continue to reverberate within me.

The Purpose of Men’s Immersion

These are just a few of the gifts I received during my experience within the Men’s Immersion Weekend. It is a truly powerful weekend, and the reason why I’m sharing this with you is because I want to celebrate it, I want to let you know that it’s there, and I’m proud of this weekend. For a long time, we at COR wanted a weekend that would be an opening to men who weren’t quite ready to attend Noble Man, a shorter weekend that was maybe a bit more accessible. So that’s how we came up with the Men’s Immersion Weekend, and it’s all of those things. 

So here’s my invitation to you. If you’re a man in our COR community and you want to dive back into your shadow, into your Survivor Self, and if you want to see how it’s showing up for you today in a safe place where you’re held lovingly and skillfully by the feminine, then I invite you to join us for our next Men’s Immersion Weekend. It’s a truly deep and inspiring weekend filled with practical tools to help you on your journey. 

I also invite you to extend this invitation to any man in your life, or anyone out there who would like to reconnect to his masculinity, to connect for perhaps the first time in the presence of the feminine. Here’s the link to register: 

If you have any questions at all, you can always reach out to me or any of the COR team.