Men’s Immersion Weekend

Led by Women

Get Unstuck in Your Relationship with the Feminine


  • Find confidence again with women.
  • Renew your sense of purpose, no longer blocked by the past and by old stories.
  • Step into healthy manhood — let go of the mask of performance and start to express yourself authentically amongst women.
  • Discover how your early wounds influence your relationships with women now.
  • Bring awareness to the ineffective patterns and strategies you use to protect yourself from women’s emotions and control.
  • Get free of the domination, codependence and manipulation that holds you bound.
  • Be led by skilled female facilitators who are there to meet you in truth and compassion as you heal the wounds that the feminine has caused.
  • Connect to healthy brotherhood — where all of you is welcome among men.
  • Come into a right relationship with your emotion — including anger, grief, passion, and celebration — where your emotions are a source of strength, not weakness.

What Men Are Saying About This Work

“I am grateful to have been able to have participated in this work at a much lower, more accessible price point. Being able to explore my wounds from women and have women holding space, hearing me, and guiding me through it is a powerful experience. I feel so much more grounded n my golden masculine. I feel this anchored in my body, and I feel so much more capable of returning to this place when I notice my defenses taking charge.”

Excellent immersion process to identify, process and clear out wounds and hurts from the feminine. Wonderful facilitators, process and group. Well worth a weekend over zoom!”

“I attended the men’s immersion weekend on September 2020 and I’m so glad for having had met like-minded men who are willing to do the work. Right from start, I heard some shares that reassured me being in the right workshop with the right people and with the right facilitators. The female facilitators were so ready to guide us in looking at our own wounds with compassion and curiosity. My biggest takeaway was realizing that it is possible to honor my feelings without having to victimize myself.”

I came to COR knowing that I had met the woman of my life, but my fear of committing to a woman had me pushing her away from me. COR helped me acknowledge my anger and fear towards women, and to begin to heal and see women in a new light. I am now fully open and fully committed to my wife.”


WOW!!! That is the only word that can describe the change I feel in my heart and my mind. I feel as if the well of grief inside my soul was pumped out and now there is space to fill it with love. My gratitude knows no bounds. The love and acceptance of the feminine I feel is so great. My heart and opinion about women was changed. Thank you for creating the space for me to heal my broken heart. Just know that I am the best I have ever been in my life.”


“To experience the beauty of unconditional love and acceptance from women is a rare gift. When freely given from a place of integrity, respect, and honoring of men, it is priceless. Any man who feels the effect of wounding from women in his life can experience the healing of those wounds in this unique workshop.”


Can you imagine any place where a man can express his deepest darkest secrets to a woman, and her only response is to give him her unconditional love? It doesn’t exist, right? Well, actually it does. It’s at COR.

I now feel powerful and strong in my masculinity. I feel a belief in myself that I could never honestly say was there before. And I have a willingness and desire to show my vulnerability to women, without fear that their responses might wound me beyond repair. Put simply, I now feel complete as a man, very much with my manhood intact, and totally at ease with how to use it!”


My experience at COR was much more than I expected. I went open to whatever I would find there but had no idea how much I would receive.  I have done work around mother and women before, but in COR, I was able to go so much deeper into my issues around the feminine because in that container I was totally loved and accepted for who I was, and where I was, by women.”


I came to COR knowing that I had met the woman of my life, but my fear of committing to a woman had me pushing her away from me. COR helped me acknowledge my anger and fear towards women, and to begin to heal and see women in a new light. I am now fully open and fully committed to my wife.”


Men’s Immersion Weekend Details

LOCATION: All sessions held on Zoom. Links will be sent after registration. We recommend that you create a quiet and private space away from family, responsibilities, and interruption.

PREPARATION & INTEGRATION GUIDES: Registration includes our tailored processes for creating your workshop sanctuary, planning the space in your calendar, and setting your intentions. Also included: after the workshop, you’re invited to the Reunion Call where you will check-in about how you are integrating what you learned and experienced into your everyday life.

FOLLOW-UP COACHING CALL: Includes a 25-minute coaching call to anchor in the changes you’ve made internally. Explore what your next steps look like in your own healing as a man.

DURING THE WEEKEND: Our work is embodied, connected, and safe. We utilize practices from psychology, neuroscience, and spirituality to create powerful experiential workshops that and to tend to your mind, heart, and body. We’ve served more than 10,000 people all over the world, with 99% reporting that their lives have dramatically changed for the better.

9:30am — 12:30pm PDT (with short break)
1:30 – 5:30pm PDT (with short break)

9:30am — 1:30pm PDT/PST (with short break)
2:30 — 5:30pm PDT/PST (with short break)

Sliding Scale Ticketing Structure, with prices marked down due to COVID-19.

Early Bird Pricing: $397
Early Bird Registration ends the Thursday two weeks prior to the Immersion Weekend.

Regular Pricing: $497

We also offer substantial scholarships for every weekend through our COR Community Foundation nonprofit. To learn more about our scholarship process and to apply, click here

Register Now for an Upcoming

Men’s Immersion Weekend

Future Dates TBA

What if you FELT EMPOWERED with womEn?

You want to live a passionate and purposeful life. You want meaningful relationships where you can enjoy deep intimacy, strong connection, and don’t need to prove yourself over and over again. You’re ready to step into your truest masculinity with women. You’re done with hiding, pleasing, carrying the burdens of others, feeling alone.

The problem is, you’ve been hurt by the women in your life. Perhaps you’ve been manipulated, smothered, left or neglected by women. Or perhaps you’ve lived your whole life just trying to be seen as a “good” or “non-threatening” man which has left you feeling pissed off and like a shell of who you could be.

Even more, our culture tells us that men need to be strong, stoic, and successful. If we aren’t strong, we are a wimp. If we aren’t stoic, we are reactive, even dangerous. If we aren’t successful, we are impotent.

So you have learned strategies to show how valuable you are, to pretend you’re not in pain, to survive domination, manipulation, and the ways the feminine has hurt you. Maybe you became the ‘pleaser’, the ‘smart one’, or the ‘safe’ one — or maybe you’ve avoided women entirely.

What if you could let go of these defenses, because you’re finally rooted in your true strength as a man? Consider a life where you no longer get knocked down by the undertow of the feminine. A life where you finally feel that you’re enough, and where you show up with purpose and integrity. This is what’s possible in the Men’s Immersion Weekend — when you do your healing work in the company of women.





So I have wounds with women.
How do I heal?

  1. Uncover and bring awareness to the strategies you’ve taken on to defend, protect, stay small, or dominate in response to women and the feminine. 


  2. Bring these strategies ‘out of the dark’ — sharing them and letting them be witnessed by women. These strategies developed in response to women — so letting them be seen, and be met with love, helps them untwist and relax their control over you. 


  3. Contact and express the pain that’s been held back all this time — that you cannot show women — which is an untapped source of power and the key to your freedom. 
  4. Claim the unexplored qualities of the masculine that already live within you from this place of freedom. Put your stake in the ground for how you’ll live and show up with women.


How do I know if this weekend is right for me?


  • You are willing to get outside of your comfort zone, try something new, and to be guided. 
  • You understand that quick fixes and checklists don’t often create lasting change. 
  • You are committed and dedicated to your own lifelong healing. 
  • You are ready to identify, feel, process, and release some of your wounds with women and the feminine.
  • You are ready to join a group of committed men, guided by the feminine, to more deeply understand yourself as a man amongst women. 
  • You need and are wanting help navigating the shadow feminine.
  • You are looking for tools to use in your relationships with women. 
  • You are comfortable or open to meditation, guided experiential processes, and you are looking for something more embodied than a lecture. 
  • You are ready to uncover blind spots or things you may not have even realized about yourself. 
  • You’ve gone to therapy, read the books, attended other workshops, or participated in other webinars and are looking for a new breakthrough with women

What’s the cost if I don’t attend?


You remain stuck, cycling through the same themes, the same complaints, the same experiences of smallness and feeling like you aren’t ‘enough’. The work will be here waiting for you, and life will be begging you to explore something new.

Unfortunately, your life will likely stay pretty similar, especially in respect to women — not engaging in an opportunity for growth means you may stay stuck in blaming yourself or those around you — and continue feeling alone, concerned what others think of you, being the strong one who has to carry it all, exhausted, resentful, and bottled up.

So we invite you to take an important step, for yourself, those you love, and the life you want to live — join us for the Men’s Immersion Weekend.


Jessica Vignolle
Lead Facilitator & Transformational Mentor

Rachel Sartori-Thomas
Facilitator in Training & Coach

Ginny Zeppa
Facilitator in Training & Coach

COR’s Men Immersion Weekends are lead by our women facilitators and coaches. 
Learn more about our Coaching Staff here.

Register Now for an Upcoming

Men’s Immersion Weekend

Future Dates TBA


How is this different from men’s work?


Most men’s work is a space that is created for men, by men — because every man needs a good circle around him. Men’s work is a way to step toward healthy masculinity with male role models + elders, answer the question, “Who am I as a man?” and heal the ways we’ve been wounded by men in our lives.

ManKind Project is a great example of this work, whom we partner with and wholeheartedly recommend.

It is valuable to do men’s work, to sit with men and talk about your wounding with women — however at COR we create a space where you can go to work on those wounds in relationship with women.  

This is your unique opportunity to do real, deep inner work on yourself, in the company of similarly committed men, under the guidance of skilled female facilitators who have all done this work before you.

You will receive deep healing with women, healing that can last decades from a single workshop, not a surface feeling that fades within days or weeks.

 Would this be more powerful in person?

Our Men’s Immersion Weekend was tailored to be held online — so that we can meet YOU exactly where you’re at in your own personal growth journey with women. It gives you more space to go inward and focus on your own transformation, and isn’t a massive commitment — so you can ‘try out’ COR easily. After leading workshops online, we realized that connecting through Zoom won’t limit the depth that you can go to — it only limits how you connect with others. While you can’t physically be in the same space with others, you can connect emotionally, vulnerably, and authentically. Plus, by doing a workshop online, you can better integrate your learnings into your everyday life because the workshop doesn’t happen in a bubble, removed from the “real world.” Instead it happens in the midst of everyday life. 

How many people are at the workshop?

Our workshops are all small group format, generally running between 15 and 20 participants.  For our Men’s Immersion Weekend, there are at least 2 facilitators for this size group. We ensure there is at least one facilitator for every 10 men so each participant can get personalized attention and support. 


Plan to dedicate your attention from 9:30am Saturday  to 5:30pm Sunday. You’ll need privacy and space free from regular responsibilities to nourish yourself with good food, rest, and integrate the deep practices and teachings.


Yes! You’ll receive a framework of how to heal, and you’ll receive many little tools that can help you in communication, in understanding your triggers, in how to return to a grounded place around women.

However, this weekend isn’t a lecture or set of prescribed action steps. Rather, this weekend is an experience. A lot of it is an inner journey. Meaning we’ll guide you through processes and inquiries in which you’ll uncover insights and deeper understanding about yourselfOur work is meant to be a journey rather than a quick fix in order to create sustained, lasting change.


This work started in England in 1993. Thousands of people from all over Europe, the U.S. and Canada have participated.  The workshops continue to be led in locations throughout the U.S. and, through a sister company, in England.

What is the diversity like at these workshops?

We honor and welcome every type of man at this workshop, every age, race, ethnicity, size, religious background, sexual orientation, and ideological stance.  We honor all differences, as well as how these parts of your identity intersect into your unique experience as a man. We’ve had people of diverse religious backgrounds, ethnicities, sexual orientations, ages, and lifestyles attend. We are committed to being a place where healing happens, including the healing of racial inequity and the wounds it causes. We are humbly learning how best to do this and to take effective steps toward a more racially inclusive organization.


We love and support people of every gender and sexual orientation. We have many alumni who are queer and who have attended our workshops in the past. If you are non-binary, this work may not fully resonate with you. As we seek to meet the diverse needs of our community, we are working on an Immersion Weekend which is not gender-specific and hope to offer it within the next year. If you’re uncertain about the Men’s Immersion Weekend and whether it’s a fit for you, please have a call with a facilitator — you can set one up here.

 My wife/sister/lover sent me here. is she trying to “fix” me?

Here’s the fact: no one is capable of waving a magic wand and “fixing” you at this workshop. Instead, it’s an opportunity for you to do real, deep inner work on yourself — so that you can let go of masks and strategies, and instead show up authentically as a man in this world.

Sometimes our partners or loved ones do have a meaningful vision for us — where they see that it’s possible for us to heal or grow. And sometimes a push for us to change comes from their own defenses — to control, protect, or avoid looking within.

So are you choosing this for yourself — because you know there’s something more you want for your life — deeper freedom, stronger confidence, more intimacy?

Or are you capitulating, giving in to pressure to change, or saying ‘yes’ to avoid conflict?

If so, it’s up to you to say ‘NO’ or to find a real motive for being here — otherwise you’ll end up pissed off at whoever sent you.


What makes your work different?

This isn’t a webinar, lecture, or workshop with hundreds of people. It’s also not a sharing circle, yoga retreat, or a workshop where you are going to take notes the entire time. Instead, our Men’s Immersion Weekend is experiential, personalized and tailored to bring healing to your body, heart, and mind. Most workshop spaces focus on only the mind or the body, but at COR, we focus on all aspects of your humanity.

With more than 30 years offering workshops, we’ve integrated best practices from psychology, neuroscience, and spirituality to bring about accelerated awareness and deep transformation. Our teachings have foundations in mindfulness, movement, emotional release, family constellations, parts work, compassion, meditation, somatic experiencing, journaling, and small group facilitation and coaching.


I’m not into group stuff. Is this still for me?

Our Men’s Immersion Weekend is a different type of group experience. It’s not a lecture, and not a circle where we tell our stories all weekend —yet you’ll enjoy a profound experience of brotherhood. At COR, we believe you’re not meant to walk this path alone. Most of the processes are an internal journey of your own self.  You are never required to share anything, and you are welcome to be exactly where you are the entire weekend. However, if you join us, you’re expected to engage, to go ‘all in’, not only for your own healing, but also to support the other men in their journeys. If you are open to trying a new way, it is incredibly powerful to move through processes as a group. You receive as much healing from watching others as you do from your own process — and also develop a deep bond with the other participants.

What are the facilitator’s qualifications, and what kind of training do they have?

Our facilitators are all trained coaches and professionals. They often come to us with years of experience. Even so, in order to facilitate a workshop for us, they are required to do extensive training with our organization, including two years of leadership and facilitation training as well as ongoing training and oversight assisting at workshops, before becoming fully certified to become a lead facilitator. For most facilitators, this process takes 4-6 years to full certification. In order to lead the Men’s Immersion Workshop, our female facilitators have to do years of their own personal growth work around their wounding and shadows with men so that they can embody the healthy feminine the entire weekend. You can read more about our facilitators and their unique qualifications on our team page.

I’m interested in financial aid options.  What kind of assistance is available if I cannot afford the workshop?

We offer sliding scale ticket prices for our Men’s Immersion Weekend in an effort to make this work accessible to everyone. We also offer substantial scholarships for every weekend through our COR Community Foundation nonprofit. To learn more about our scholarship process and to apply, click here

We hope in the future to be able to expand our financial aid options. We can also highly recommend the monthly evening programs as a way to engage with our work and receive support at a more accessible financial investment.


We welcome anyone from any or no religious or spiritual background and have had people from all walks of life participate in these workshops, including Christians, Muslims, Orthodox Jews, Buddhists, Taoists, Mystics, and Agnostics.  At COR, we do believe that inner work is done most holistically and effectively when we address all aspects of our humanity; including the physical, the emotional, the mental aspects of humanity, as well as a fourth dimension, the spiritual aspect.  We use concepts such as meditation, prayer/invocation, and Higher Power/Grace, but we do this in as an inclusive way as possible, allowing you to define this for yourself. We don’t push any particular religion or dogma and allow for everyone’s unique beliefs.  


Email Us: Ask a Question or Schedule a Free Exploration Call to see if our Men’s Immersion Weekend is Right for YOU


Not ready yet? Choose your next step. Attend a men’s evening workshop led by one of our female facilitators, read about our work on our blog, or listen to our podcast.



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