You learned about the six essential spiritual pillars in your Heart CORe course. (Sincere Dedication/Commitment – Trust – Letting Go of Control – Surrender – Humility/Devotion – Tenderhearted Bravery) These pillars still apply. We can and need to go deeper with them as we mature spiritually, if we want to truly “Let Go and Let God”. But we can only go to a certain level with those essential pillars, if we don’t look courageously and lovingly at what might be hindering their full flourishing in us.
And for most of us that’s our “stuff with God.”
So, dear Heart CORers, let’s go deeper, shall we? We cannot really grow spiritually, if we don’t get to the root of “all things God,” including our childhood spiritual conditioning, even if that was a complete lack of any spiritual formation. Most of our images and ideas of God are quite immature and un-investigated. We need to investigate who and what the God was that we were introduced to, including all of God’s “representatives”, like our parents, religious teachers, and other caregivers.
We all exist in and off and as God, and so does everything and everyone else. But in our human condition, and because of unavoidable developmental trauma, in our Survivor Self, we perceive ourselves as separate from the Source of our Being. This convincing illusion persist, often even after strong awakening experiences that have shown us how deeply we are connected to all that is.
To truly “Let Go and Let God,” we need to dive into our relationship with that Source of our Being, especially into what is blocking the free flow of Grace within us.
The relationship to “God” is the primary relationship we all have, even more primary than the relationship with our parents. It deeply influences everything we do and think, including who we are, what life is all about and how we relate to everyone and everything else. In the Advanced Heart CORe, we will dig into our “stuff with God.” It will come to the surface where it can be seen, felt, and understood, so we can be free to choose what spiritual path and practice is appropriate for us at this time.
In Advanced Heart CORe, we will see that material and bring healing and love to it. We will see how we got separated and find ways to deeply reconnect.
That, my friends, is the intention for the Advanced Heart CORe!
Because then, we are free to grow spiritually in three equally beautiful ways:
1. In a devotional “I and Thou” way, where we relate to God as a Greater Being outside ourselves. Here we often ask for help, or express thanksgiving or awe/wonder for the many gifts bestowed upon us.
2. In a loving collaboration with God. We experience ourselves as partnered with the Divine Presence.
3. We relate to God as the same “I am” presence than we are. Here the sense of the Divine Being as something other than your own being disappears, and true oneness occurs. (Note, this does NOT come from an egoistic “I am God” place!)
We will explore these three ways of relating to our Source, what might be blocking these, and how we can deepen in them.
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