The Advanced Heart CORe Spiritual Group Coaching Program

Take A Quantum Leap In Your Spiritual Life!

“Even though we might have experienced great suffering
and felt very deprived of Love along the way,
It is our birthright to know we are Beloved Souls of God
When we fully recognize this, our suffering is resolved,
and our true purpose is restored.” – Miranda McPherson

Are you ready to go deeper?

You participated in the Heart CORe program and opened to Grace more fully.

Are you ready now to once and for all claim your Belovedness,
and let Divine Love dissolve your long held story of being unloved and separated?

Are you willing to more substantially turn within and fully commit to your spiritual journey,
meaning you finally jump over that 50% hurdle and say YES?

Are you willing to take an honest look at the most important relationship of them all –
your relationship to God?

If your response to these questions is a “Yes,” then come and join us!


You learned about the six essential spiritual pillars in your Heart CORe course. (Sincere Dedication/Commitment – Trust – Letting Go of Control – Surrender – Humility/Devotion – Tenderhearted Bravery) These pillars still apply. We can and need to go deeper with them as we mature spiritually, if we want to truly “Let Go and Let God”. But we can only go to a certain level with those essential pillars, if we don’t look courageously and lovingly at what might be hindering their full flourishing in us.

And for most of us that’s our “stuff with God.”

So, dear Heart CORers, let’s go deeper, shall we? We cannot really grow spiritually, if we don’t get to the root of “all things God,” including our childhood spiritual conditioning, even if that was a complete lack of any spiritual formation. Most of our images and ideas of God are quite immature and un-investigated. We need to investigate who and what the God was that we were introduced to, including all of God’s “representatives”, like our parents, religious teachers, and other caregivers.

We all exist in and off and as God, and so does everything and everyone else. But in our human condition, and because of unavoidable developmental trauma, in our Survivor Self, we perceive ourselves as separate from the Source of our Being. This convincing illusion persist, often even after strong awakening experiences that have shown us how deeply we are connected to all that is.

To truly “Let Go and Let God,” we need to dive into our relationship with that Source of our Being, especially into what is blocking the free flow of Grace within us.

The relationship to “God” is the primary relationship we all have, even more primary than the relationship with our parents. It deeply influences everything we do and think, including who we are, what life is all about and how we relate to everyone and everything else. In the Advanced Heart CORe, we will dig into our “stuff with God.” It will come to the surface where it can be seen, felt, and understood, so we can be free to choose what spiritual path and practice is appropriate for us at this time.


In Advanced Heart CORe, we will see that material and bring healing and love to it. We will see how we got separated and find ways to deeply reconnect.


That, my friends, is the intention for the Advanced Heart CORe!


Because then, we are free to grow spiritually in three equally beautiful ways:

1.     In a devotional “I and Thou” way, where we relate to God as a Greater Being outside ourselves. Here we often ask for help, or express thanksgiving or awe/wonder for the many gifts bestowed upon us.

2.    In a loving collaboration with God. We experience ourselves as partnered with the Divine Presence.

3.    We relate to God as the same “I am” presence than we are. Here the sense of the Divine Being as something other than your own being disappears, and true oneness occurs. (Note, this does NOT come from an egoistic “I am God” place!) 


We will explore these three ways of relating to our Source, what might be blocking these, and how we can deepen in them.

Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you.
All things are passing away: God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.
– St. Theresa of Avila

What does this 6-Month journey entail?

Each month you’ll receive:

A one-hour individual coaching session with Britta

    • As with the regular Heart CORe program, in this session, you can either address anything that is coming up for you that you want assistance with and/or receive support on how to apply the monthly teachings to your day to day life.
    • Heart CORe is the only COR program that provides one-on-one work with Britta!

A two-hour group teaching video call, led by Britta

      • This includes:
        • A teaching on ways to unblock your personal relationship to God/Grace, including on the three ways of relating to God
        • A live holistic inquiry around the monthly theme, which you will practice with one of your cohort members
        • A practice to apply the monthly teaching to your everyday life
        • Q&A to make sure you fully understand each month’s teaching

An additional one-hour (optional) video group coaching call, led by Britta

    • With a brief continued teaching on the theme of the month, followed by group coaching in which any member of the group can bring whatever they need support with at that moment in time

You’ll also receive:

  • A dedicated community of like-minded Heart CORe alumni, your spiritual brothers and sisters, to apply these advanced perennial spiritual truths to your day-to-day life
  • A private WhatsApp Group with support from Britta
  • A collection of written resources to support your journey in more depth
  • A support and accountability buddy:
    -You will have at least two check-ins a month (ideally one inquiry together, one check-in) 
    -You will switch and get a new buddy every three months

Remember: This is a journey that is not just about you, but everyone else in this group too! In truth, there is no such thing as “my” realization of anything real, separate from anyone else’s. We are all doing this awakening journey together.


Logistics and details


November 28, 2022 through May 22, 2023

Orientation & Introduction Group Video Call:
Monday, November 28
Time: 5:00pm – 6:30pm PT 

Monday Teaching Zoom Meetings:
Dec. 19, Jan. 9, Feb. 6, March 6, April 3, May 22 

Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm PT

Completion Call:
Monday, May 22

Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm PT

Wednesdays Group Coaching Zoom Meetings (Optional):
Dec. 7, Dec 28, Jan. 18, Feb. 22, March 22, April 26

Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm PT

NOTE: All Zoom calls will be recorded. If you miss the teaching call, you commit to listen to it within 72 hours and posting something on the WhatsApp group about how this relates to you personally. Listening to a missed optional group coaching call is also recommended, but not required. 

Pay in full: $3,997
Or pay in 6 installments of $735 a month

This program is limited to 20 people.


What is asked if you participate


  • To make this a priority in your life.
  • A daily spiritual practice – at least once a day, ideally twice (even if it is just 5-10 minutes).
  • An eagerness to see, call out, relax, and transform the survivor strategies that keep you separate from yourself, others, and especially from God.
  • A willingness to engage with the word “God.” (Like with the words “mom” and “dad,” when looking at parental issues that need healing, to look at our stuff with the word “God” is essential for us to break free. Only then do we reach a non-reactive, mature spirituality where we can freely choose which word to call the Unnamable Mystery.)
  • A sincere, humble, loving, and willing approach to go deeper, to have an actual quantum “leap of faith”.
  • A dedication to your own journey and a willinness to support everyone else in this cohort.

Six months

to change your life.


6 installments of $735/month
Or $3,997 if paid in full

By registering, you acknowledge that if you need to cancel for any reason, $660 of your payment is non-refundable, but transferable to a future coaching program within 18 months. The rest will be refunded.

“The sole point of all spiritual endeavors is to dissolve the separation between ‘You’ and ‘I’.”
– Anandamayi Ma


How is this different from COR Workshops?

This is an intimate six-month advanced group spiritual coaching journey with Britta. The program is designed to take you deeper in your own spiritual journey and open new pathways to Grace for you. Each month, along with an individual coaching session with Britta, you’ll learn about one of the pillars of the spiritual journey and how to apply them to your day to day life.

How many people are In this program?

The Advanced Heart CORe program is usually between 10 and 20 people in size, so it will be an intimate group of committed brothers and sisters on this journey together.


Yes! You’ll learn about six essential pillars of the spiritual journey and how to apply them in your life. You’ll also receive holistic inquiry prompts to help you explore each pillar in your life. Along with the rich teachings you’ll receive, these holistic inquiry prompts are powerful and something you can always return to.

what if I can’t make the Zoom calls?

All Zoom calls will be recorded. If you miss any of the teaching calls, you commit to listening to the call within 72 hours. It is also highly recommended that you listen to the group coaching calls.

I’m interested in financial aid options.  What kind of assistance is available if I cannot afford the Program?

We offer a payment plan option where you pay $735/month for six months. At the moment, we do not have any scholarships available for this program.

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