This month we’ve looked at the power of initiation— both in the formal ones that we do at COR workshops as well as the daily ones. We also looked at the Welcome Practice and other ways to continue our growth and integration. Lastly, we considered how all initiations are truly an invitation to be generous.
As we conclude this month of reflecting on the power of initiation, I think it’s important for us to remember that through the lens of our Healthy Selves, every challenge is an invitation for growth and can be an initiation into something new.
Sometimes we choose to be initiated because we feel like something is stuck— so we do something like a Radiant Woman, Noble Man, or Kings & Queens weekend. And sometimes life hands us an initiation.
Britta and I have had plenty of both kinds of initiations, both planned and unplanned. We came to this work through our own initiations— she through COR Woman (then called Celebration of Woman) and me through Noble Man. Most recently, challenges with her body have been inviting Britta into a deeper place of surrender, patience, and love. My current initiation is turning toward a long-standing fear in my belly and, with the help of a counselor, looking at what’s really going on there. Whatever I discover I know it will be a gift, if I see it all the way through.

One thing I’ve noticed over years of doing this work is that a common quality of fulfilled, successful people is they turn towards challenges— whether they chose them or whether these challenges just showed up. Like the saying goes: “What we resist persists.” I might add to that: “What we turn toward becomes a reward (Or a gift).”
And I find it still so necessary to remind myself that my own growth and transformation is ultimately not about me. What initiations all invite us to is to be the best version of ourselves, to be who we really are. And who we really are, when we allow ourselves to lead our lives from our Healthy Selves, is a unique gift to the world. Truly.
As we welcome Spring in full bloom, I invite you to consider what your next step is. If you want to find rebirth and transformation in your own life, click HERE to schedule a discovery call with one of our COR facilitators. We’re happy to chat about what your next step forward might look like.
Blessed Spring,