It’s the end of 2015 and looking back at what this year has brought us, I can only bow down in gratitude and wonder to the divine orchestration that has been happening at Celebration of Being.
Our workshops throughout 2015 have been full, almost breaking at the seams, with the most beautiful mix of amazing souls from all walks of life coming together to transform and support each other in stepping into their truest selves.
Our facilitation team has grown in to a vibrant core unit of dedicated and highly skilled agents of transformation; including Chrissy Brady Smith, Shandra Lamotte, Becca Sherman, Aaron Steinberg, Steven Kimmelman, and Rajyo Markman.
And there are many more facilitators in the making on their way. We are getting our infrastructure ready to bring this work to a much wider span of people!
Our core team behind the scenes at daily business operations has also wonderfully come together: We have Kelsey Suedmeyer, our amazing client care specialist, Emily Nelson as our talented operations manager, Aaron Steinberg rocking it at enrollment and joint venture partnerships and Lee and I co-directing.
There are many others who have helped us throughout the year with specific projects, and everyone together has woven such a powerful tapestry of skill, talent, love and care.
Within our workshops and in the Transformational Leadership Training there has been so much transformation, breakthroughs, growth, maturing, generosity, communal embrace, inclusivity, expanding and stretching beyond confining comfort zones into something much more free and true.
As life goes for most of us, it was not a straight shot upwards in any arena for any one of us. We also had many challenges and difficulties.
Between all of us we faced great internal emotional and mental difficulties, we got diagnosed with cancer, lost loved ones to death, had our hearts broken in separations or divorces, and went through external trials like fires that devastated our surroundings.
We encountered financial tribulations, difficulties in our families of origins, illnesses, job problems and of course the painful limitations of our human monkey mind. This mind that is always trying to maintain the illusion that we are all alone and separate from the whole, might be the greatest challenge of all!
When I look at what happened in our own lives and the lives of our community over this past year it is pretty much a snap shot of the human condition: Beautiful and brave souls who live in a world where almost nobody is fundamentally present and most of us have forgotten who we truly are.
And yet, within that world that sometimes seems so fragmented and disconnected, there are so many powerful signs of love, truth, freedom and compassion. Daily small and large divine opportunities for connection, reconciliation and union are provided to us without ceasing, and a magnificent grace is always beckoning us in a million and one ways to come home.
Somehow it feels like Celebration of Being has been taken to a whole new level and we feel profoundly grateful to all of you.
We thank you from the bottom of our broken open hearts for showing up so fully dedicated to helping yourselves and others remember the truth.
As 2015 comes to a close, we would like to gift you with a story that our UK COB branch’s directors Gina Holland and Debbie Beauchamp shared with their community recently. It is by Charles Eisenstein from his book “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible” – click here to read the full story.
We feel this beautifully encapsulates what we all participate in when we gather in our retreats and otherwise, and how each of us is making a difference in our own unique way.
Enjoy this poignant story, and may you be blessed to walk forth into 2016 knowing how beautiful and precious you are!