Growth, initiation and transformation are the hallmarks of what we do at Celebration of Being. We’ve spent more than 20 years initiating thousands of men and women all over the world through our one-of-a-kind weekends.
Now, we’re completing our own rite of passage.
We believe that cultivating healthy, heart-centered relationships between men and women cultivates greater understanding, greater unity, and more heart-centered action throughout the world.
As such, our mission is to help men and women see, understand, and heal often unconscious childhood wounds—which have created unhealthy, negative patterns as an adult—through the lens of the powerful, dynamic relationship between men and women.
In order to do that, we go to the “core”—to the heart of the matter. Because the heart is not just our emotional center; it’s the only place where all of your humanity can be lovingly embraced and where true transformation can take place.
So, we’ve chosen a name that more clearly and immediately reflects who we are and what we do. We’re very happy to announce that Celebration of Being is now COR.
“COR” is latin for heart.
Our mission continues to be to support men and women in powerful rites of passage, to heal within themselves and with each other.

We will continue to offer the same workshops we always have. We’ve renamed some of our weekends to better reflect what they are about. Celebration of Woman is now COR Woman. Power of Love is now Radiant Woman. Noble Man is still Noble Man. And the Transformational Leadership Training (TLT) is now the Leadership Development Training (LDT).
We also have some exciting new additions! We’ve begun COR Corporate to help companies cultivate dynamic leadership in their organization. We’ve taken the first steps to create a non-profit branch of COR, the COR Foundation, which will provide a modified version of rites of passage to teens, especially underprivileged teens, and their parents and teachers. And starting in 2018, we will offer an Advanced Leadership and Facilitation Training Program for those of you who have done our level I Transformational Leadership Training and are called to professionally facilitate others in their transformation.
Click here to learn more about what this new phase means to you!
Check us out at and see what’s new. In fact, we’d love for you to help us celebrate this new chapter in the life of COR. Share our new website with friends and family – anyone you’d like to invite to one of our weekends. It’s a great time to inspire the men and women in your life to join you on the powerful path of transformation at COR!
We are so excited to start this new journey with you!