Episode 5: Navigating Emotional Triggers
In this episode, Britta does a live coaching call with Amy, to discuss occasional emotional flareups Amy has, regarding a long term-relationship she ended a while back. Amy has done much work and person growth since moving on, but is frustrated with herself for periodic triggering events that occur. Listen as Britta guides Amy to feel compassion for herself, and to see her situation as completely normal. Follow along to learn some practical techniques for working through similar emotional triggers.
In this episode
- Amy learns how to be kind and compassionate with herself for not being where she wants to be yet.
- Discussing the physical triggers surrounding her emotional flareups.
- Learning practical techniques for finding internal and external resources to ground herself, when these unwanted thoughts arise.
- Bringing the goodness of those resources to the negative physical triggers within.
- Recognizing that what she is facing is entirely human, and that countless others experience the same feelings.
If we pretend that we are further along than we are, and try to hide the stuff we don’t want anybody to see, we stay stuck in it.