Women’s Evening Workshop {COR Woman Virtual Circle}
Ladies – we get that there is a very specific set of challenges we all face as women, probably even more so in the time of COVID and an uprising for justice and safety for all. It’s a lot that we are all holding!
We get the pressure to be Wonder Woman for our loved ones and everyone around us – at work, at home, with our families and friends. Inevitably putting ourselves last instead of one of the most vital parts of the system.
What if there was a space to step away from the doing – the multi-tasking, the need to take care of others, to keep it all together so that nothing falls apart?
What if filling up your cup meant more to give to others, rather than less?
What if there was a space to make yourself a priority for once?
We are putting on a women’s mini-workshop / women’s circle to create that very space – to share what is on your heart and free yourself from the heaviness this period in time is carrying.
The space to step back into who you are when you aren’t doing anything. It is a space to remember the essence of yourself and what true strength and power looks like – a softer, gentler, more loving and compassionate power.
In this workshop, COR Facilitator Dana Letchworth, will guide participants in a journey to get present, check in, access vulnerability, share authentically, as well and be supported by the strength of the circle.
You will also have an opportunity to get a taste of what transpires at a COR Woman weekend {For more info about COR Woman – https://corexperience.com/corwoman/} – This event is open to COR Alumni and the general public.
Please join us at our upcoming women’s sharing circle for a warm, loving, healing and nurturing experience. Nothing to do … the only ask is for you to be fully yourself.
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2020
Fee: $15 per person
Time: 4:30pm – 6:30pm Pacific / 7:30pm – 9:30pm Eastern
Space is limited so please RSVP for the Women’s Evening Workshop using this link: : https://cor-cwe0820.securechkout.com/