Open My Eyes: Mastering the Examen Prayer with Lee Eskey
Through a practice in devotion, Open My Eyes: Mastering the Examen Prayer will reconnect you to living a life with purpose, living your life in the now. Open My Eyes is a communal, heart-opening, sacred program that will give you more peace, gratitude, and connectedness.
The Examen Prayer practice is meant to help you find the presence of Grace in “all things” and will help you to slow down, cultivate deep gratitude, and pay attention to the presence of the Sacred in your everyday life. Developed by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish Renaissance mystic, mentor, spiritual innovator – and eventually a saint – who’s guidance continues to be felt today, this prayer practice will help you wake up to Grace, so you can take your place.
Open My Eyes: Mastering the Examen Prayer is a 6-month spiritual journey, designed to help you live your best life now, with grace, grit, and gratitude. Through mindfulness practices and a daily spiritual practice based on the five steps in the Examen, you will fearlessly look at yourself, cultivate healthy humility, and strengthen your discernment skills, so you may experience more compassion, purpose, and grace-filled moments.
The Invitation:
Grace is always flowing. Are you open to it? Open My Eyes: Mastering the Examen Prayer is your opportunity to claim your Healthy Self each and every day, and to reclaim your personal relationship to God through a sacred, daily prayer commitment.
Open My Eyes: Mastering the Examen Prayer is COMPRISED OF:
♢ Monthly Teaching Calls
♢ Monthly Group Coaching Calls (Optional)
♢ Monthly 1-1 Trauma-Informed Private Coaching Sessions with Lee Eskey
♢ Private Group on WhatsApp
♢ Buddy for Support and Accountability
Open My Eyes is the only way to receive private coaching with Lee Eskey.
This program is limited to 20 participants.
November 20, 2023 through May 20, 2024
Orientation & Introduction Group Video Call:
Monday, November 20
Time: 5:00pm – 6:30pm PT
Monday Teaching Zoom Meetings:
Dec. 18, Jan. 22, Feb. 12, March 18, April 22
Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm PT
Completion Call:
Monday, May 20
Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm PT
Wednesdays Group Coaching Zoom Meetings (Optional):
Dec. 6, Jan. 3, Jan. 31, March 6, April 3, May 1
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm PT
NOTE: All Zoom calls will be recorded. If you miss the teaching call, you commit to listen to it within 72 hours and posting something on the WhatsApp group about how this relates to you personally. Listening to a missed optional group coaching call is also recommended, but not required.
Pay In Full: $3,997
Or Pay In 6 Installments of $735 a month
Click here to Learn More & Register
Open My Eyes: Mastering the Examen Prayer is limited to 20 participants.