COR Emotional Release Session
Have you been holding too much? Has uncertainty and fear ramped up your nervous system? Are you feeling isolated and lonely?
The uncertainty and stress of the world-wide crisis we’re facing evokes in us waves of emotions of all sorts: Anxiety, fear, panic, frustration, anger, sadness, worries and grief, to name a few.
At COR, we work a lot with the emotional aspect of our humanity. What we are seeing right now is that most of our survivor selfs are online, or even our scared, wounded selves. We forget the feelings except for protection. In neuro-scientific terms, the Amygdala in our limbic brain system hijacks our rational brain and keeps us on high emotional alert. If we’re not conscious, many of us then either repress these feelings, or we act them out in unhealthy ways.
We want to offer you a way to release some of these emotional tensions, through breath, movement and sound, similar to the emotional release processes we use at the COR workshops. We have the perfect opportunity for you to find face and feel those feelings in a safe sacred environment.
COR Co-Founder, Britta Eskey, will lead an Emotional Release Session on Wednesday, April 16th,from 4:00-5:30pm PT via Zoom.
Britta will be guiding you through some intention setting and sharing with other community members, followed by an emotional release that gives you an opportunity to consciously honor your feelings and experience. This will complete with an integration meditation so you can experience more spaciousness and inner peace.
This offering is for COR Alumni and close friends, who are ready, willing and able to release emotionally.
Please wear loose clothes, and have a pillow, a towel, a mat (Or a soft carpet), a tissue box with you. And please be there on time, as you will miss important instructions if you don’t!
The fee is a $10 suggested donation and you can pay via Venmo @ COR-Experience, or via PayPal (info@corexperience.com). Please pay before the session.