
Oct 04 2019


7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

COR Alumni Gathering, Jacksonville

Join us for a COR Alumni Gathering in Jacksonville! I am hosting an evening gathering for any alumni who is interested in connecting to this growing community here in the Southeast. These nights are a great way to reconnect with COR if you’ve been away for a while, and also a great way to bring friends/guests into the space to feel out who we are, and what we’re all about. So please feel welcome to bring someone along so they can experience the power of a community moving towards authentic connection, personal development and spiritual growth.

Here’s some information: These mini gatherings are a beautiful way to reconnect to ourselves (the Healthy Self) in a gentle and welcoming space; as well as a chance to get to know other men and women who have done our COR work. Each circle will have a different theme around the human condition, and we may do different exercises to bring you closer to your own sense of self. From sharing circles, partner exercises, movement, and meditation- I anticipate you leaving this night feeling inspired, connected, and loved. Simply put…it will be a gentle evening of opening and welcoming ourselves just as we are.

Tea and snacks will be provided.

Space is limited so please grab ticket to reserve your spot.

Arrive around 7pm and we will start promptly at 7:30pm completing the night by 9:30pm

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