Important Information for The Edge
March 16, 2024
Welcome to the logistics page for your upcoming 1-day online workshop: The Edge.
This page includes all the information you will need to prepare for your time with us, including:
◇ Get Prepared
◇ Schedule & Zoom Logistics
◇ What to Have with You
Please take a few minutes to look over all the information, and bookmark this page for your reference.
Prepare for the workshop
Watch the Leadership
classroom Recordings
If you are new to COR and our leadership approach, we invite you to watch or listen to the recordings from our Leadership Classroom series. These are fundamental teachings and will help you orient (or refresh you) for the online workshop.
Access them HERE.

Refraining from Distractions:
Plan on minimizing communication with others and refraining from news and entertainment. Structure your day with simplicity—silence your phone, put an away message on your email, save your snail mail for later. We’ll have a one-hour meal break – please plan accordingly.
Requesting support from people you live with:
If you live with someone, tell them about the schedule and lovingly request them to give you space, especially during the session hours, and even, if possible, during the break.
Set Your Intention:
Consider what brought you to this leadership workshop. What do you hope to let go of? What do you hope to receive? What would be a breakthrough for you?
A Quiet Space:
We highly recommend you participate in this online workshop in a quiet, dedicated place in your home, with a door closed (if you live with someone). If you have a devotional item – a candle, a picture, or anything that reminds you of your connection to Grace – we encourage you to have it in the space with you.
Journal Prompts
Which area of your life currently presents the most struggle, internally or externally? This is the area which is most challenging to you at this time. Examples include: work, family life, intimate relationship, sexuality, spirituality, relationship to self (including your body or self-care), etc.
How is this challenge showing up both internally (e.g. frustration, sadness, anger, self-criticism, etc.) and externally (arguments, judgments, avoidance, tension, procrastination, etc.).
Spend a little time reflecting on and, if you like, journaling about these questions.

What to have WITH YOU during the Workshop
◊ A journal and a pen
◊ A headset and/or bluetooth speaker so you can hear the music more loudly
◊ A water bottle or whatever you want to drink
The Edge is an interactive workshop, rather than a passive learning experience. While there are educational components, in order to engage with the material in a productive way participants are required to be on camera and available for activities throughout the workshop. We request that you turn your cell phone to airplane mode during our sessions so that you will not be distracted. And we suggest you let the people in your life know that you will not be available to text or call during the workshop.
Saturday – March 16
11:30am — 6:30pm ET / 8:30am — 3:30pm PT
*1-hr lunch will be approx. 2:30pm EDT / 11:30am PT
Please make sure you clear your calendar to be present for the full day, with minimal distractions.
Zoom information
Join by video:
To join each session at the designated time, just click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87161435171
Or you can open the Zoom app and enter the following information:
Meeting ID: 871 6143 5171
Passcode: leadership
Many of the answers can be found on this page, but in case you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact our Client Care Specialist with any questions or concerns:
can i do this workshop with a friend or relative?
Yes absolutely! We encourage you to invite anyone who you are close to, and who might also benefit from the weekend. It is a great way to create accountability and it’s a wonderful bonding experience.
What is the policy if i need to transfer or cancel?
Please refer to our cancellation policy for more information on this, and contact our Client Care Specialist if you need to discuss a transfer.
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