◇Loose comforting clothes, for 3.5 days
◇ Layers for warm/cool weather
◇ Yoga or workout clothes
◇ A shawl or light sweater
◇ Socks and/or slippers
◇ Walking shoes and slip-on sandals
◇ A bathing suit for swimming
◇ An umbrella and/or rain gear in case of weather
◇ A wrist watch
◇ A journal and a pen
◇ A large, covered water bottle
◇ A covered thermos for tea service
◇ Sunscreen
◇ Any supplements, or special dietary items you may need
◇ Toiletry items, make up, jewelry….
◇ An alarm clock
◇ A flashlight with working batteries
◇ Please also bring two photographs, one of your mother and another of your father.

Integrating your workshop experience into your everyday life is a big part of the transformative process.
To support your process, we invite you to participate in our Everyday Radiant Woman Followup Integration Program. This program is included in the price of your weekend, and consists of weekly 75 minute video/conference calls for 4 weeks following your workshop.
The dates of your follow up program will be posted here one month before your workshop.
Access for these video/conference calls will be emailed to you after the workshop. Please arrange your schedule so you can be on the calls.
Remaining Course Fee Balance
If you chose a payment plan option rather than paying in full upon registration, your payments will be charged automatically the following month on the same day of the month you registered. If (for any reason) your balance is not paid prior to 2 weeks before the workshop starts, you will risk forfeiting your space in the workshop.
Many of the answers can be found on this page, but in case you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact our Client Care Specialist with any questions or concerns: