Important Information for your Upcoming Men’s Immersion Weekend
November 6-7, 2021
Welcome to the logistics page for your upcoming Men’s Immersion Weekend Led by Women! This page includes all the information you will need to prepare for your time with us, including:
◇ Getting Prepared for the Weekend
◇ Schedule and Zoom Logistics
◇ What to Have with You
◇ Important Follow-Up Information for After the Weekend
Please take a few minutes to look over all the information, and bookmark this page for your reference.
If you have not yet done so, please complete the questionnaire now. These questionnaires are a vital part of the process and help us to understand your unique history and needs. They prepare you for the Immersion Weekend and ensure you can get the most out of your weekend.
Get prepared for the weekend
◇ You will be engaging in deep inner work throughout the weekend. Therefore, we suggest you nourish yourself throughout the weekend with healthy foods and to abstain from drugs and alcohol.
◇ We request that you turn your cell phone on airplane mode during our sessions so that you will not be distracted. We suggest you let the people in your life know that you will not be available to text or call during these times.
Refraining from Distractions:
Being on retreat ideally means spending at least some of the day in silence, minimizing communication with others and refraining from news and entertainment. Try to structure your retreat days with simplicity—put an away message on your email, save your snail mail for later, prepare the simplest meals you can…some in advance if you’re able to.
Requesting support from people you live with:
If you are living with someone, tell them about the schedule and lovingly request them to give you space, especially during the session hours, but even, if possible, during the breaks.
Here are some phrases to make that request: “Would you be willing to………. …? Then “This is what it would mean to me:…………..” Then “Thank you so much. You are such a support to me, I notice I feel so much gratitude.”
We are aware that this will be especially challenging for parents, and we understand you can only do your best.
Set Your Intention:
In the days before the Immersion Weekend, please make sure to fill out your questionnaire – you’ll receive it on the Monday prior to your workshop.
As you fill out the questionnaire, take some time to consider what brought you to this Immersion Weekend. What do you hope to let go of? What do you hope to receive? What would be a breakthrough for you?
A Sacred Space:
We highly recommend you participate in this retreat in a quiet, dedicated place in your home, with your door closed if you live with someone. Ideally, you’d do it before a homemade altar or shrine where you can light candles, place flowers and/ or inspiring images or items that remind you of the Sacred.
Take some time before the workshop to create a little sacred altar or corner, filled with things that remind you that you are supported and of the Sacred.
What to have during the weekend
Please wear loose clothes
A journal and a pen
1-2 pillow(s)
A mat (or a soft carpet)
A tissue box
A headset and/or bluetooth speaker so you can hear the music more loudly
Weekend Schedule
Saturday – November 6
9:30am — 12:30pm PDT (with short break)
1:30 – 5:30pm PDT (with short break)
Sunday – November 7
9:30am — 1:30pm PST (with short break)
2:30 — 5:30pm PST (with short break)
Please note: All times are in PDT/PST. NOTE: there is a time change on the evening of Nov. 6, please account for this in your schedule. Please make sure you clear your calendar to be present for all these sessions, with minimal distractions.
Zoom information
Join by video:
To join each session at the designated time, just click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87278002524?pwd=WFVaRDdnbVFVN1E4cHp6ZWsraXFGUT09
Or you can open the Zoom app and enter the following information:
Meeting ID: 872 7800 2524
Passcode: COR
NOTE: In order to join by video, you’ll need to download the Zoom app to either your computer or phone.
What to Expect After the Weekend
After the weekend, you have two great calls to support you in your integration after the workshop. Integrating your workshop experience into your everyday life is a big part of the transformative process.
1. REUNION MEETING: To support your integration process, we invite you to participate on our Men’s Immersion Weekend Reunion Meeting! The meeting is a chance to connect and check-in about how you are integrating what you learned and experienced into your everyday life.
Tuesday, November 16 from 6:00pm-7:15pm PST
Access will be emailed to you after the workshop. Please arrange your schedule so you can be with us.
2. FOLLOW-UP COACHING CALL: As a part of the Immersion weekend, you’ll also receive a 25-minute one-on-one coaching call to anchor in the changes you’ve made from the weekend. This call will be held with a COR facilitator. On the call, you’ll explore what your next steps look like in your own healing as a man.
A COR Facilitator will reach out to you individually to set up this call after the Immersion Weekend.
Many of the answers can be found on this page, but in case you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact our Client Care Specialist with any questions or concerns:
Plan to dedicate your attention from 9:30am Saturday to 5:30pm Sunday. You’ll need privacy and space free from regular responsibilities to nourish yourself with good food, rest, and integrate the deep practices and teachings.
can i do this workshop with a friend or relative?
Yes absolutely! Many people choose to complete their Immersion Weekend with a close friend or family member present, and it’s a very bonding experience. We encourage you to invite anyone who you are close to, and who might also benefit from the weekend.
What is the policy if i need to transfer or cancel?
Please refer to our cancellation policy for more information on this, and contact our Client Care Specialist if you need to discuss a transfer.
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