Please complete the following REQUIRED registration forms. Your registration is not complete until you do so.
If you are unsure if you have completed these forms, please inquire with
Your questionnaire is due at least four weeks before the workshop: March 27, 2025. If you do not complete your questionnaire at least four weeks before the workshop, you risk forfeiting your spot in the workshop, and are subject to our cancellation policy.
Please review The Aerie Retreat Release of Liability waiver by April 20, 2025. We ask that the hard copy waivers are signed upon arrival at the venue.
Please note: The Aerie Retreat Center is located at 4,400 feet in elevation. Please consider bringing appropriate layers to accommodate in the temperature fluctuations as well as anything you might need to support yourself at a higher altitude, such as electrolytes. We also suggest you begin hydrating and avoid alcohol a day or two beforehand, to support your transition to higher altitudes.
◇ Loose comfortable clothes, for 3.5 days
◇ Layers for warm/cool weather (the retreat center is at 4K+’)
◇ Workout clothes
◇ Light sweater &/or hoodie
◇ Socks and/or slippers (the retreat center prefers no shoes in the retreat building)
◇ Walking shoes and slip-on sandals
◇ Small tote bag or backpack to bring your belongings between buildings
◇ An umbrella and/or rain gear in case of weather
◇ A wrist watch
◇ A journal and a pen {Pens provided by The Aerie}
◇ A large, covered water bottle
◇ A leak-proof travel cup for hot tea (you will NOT be able to bring any open containers into the group room)
◇ Sunscreen
◇ Any supplements, or special dietary items you may need
◇ Toiletry items {Shampoo, Conditioner & Body Wash provided by The Aerie}
◇ An alarm clock
◇ A flashlight or headlamp with working batteries {Flashlights provided by The Aerie}
◇ Please bring a special outfit that expresses your unique masculinity
◇ Please also bring a hard copy photograph of your mother
COR Workshops are deep, transformational experiences that aim to offer all who attend a space to meet and process difficult life experiences to gain more agency, wisdom, and inner peace. In short, this isn’t light work. In many ways COR events follow the traditional arc of a rite of passage or initiation, and are to be held similarly as such.
In support of a beneficial, positive, and safe experience, it is imperative that all who attend a COR workshop experience abide by several self-care, preparation and integration practices in the week before and after the event.
- Get sufficient sleep and do your best to plan restful days
- Eat healthy, nourishing foods
- Practice self-care in whatever ways best support you such as walks in nature, exercise, taking nourishing baths or showers, meditation/prayer, and spacious time at home
- Receive emotional/spiritual support as needed from a coach, therapist or spiritual director
- Limit or avoid high intensity media or deeply disturbing or upsetting environments
- Abstain from consciousness altering experiences including but not limited to taking recreational drugs, alcohol to the point of inebriation, medicine journeys or other intense expansive experiences.
- Begin reducing your most prominent addictive behaviors.
If you have any questions about best practices in preparation or integration for any COR workshop, training or event, please contact The Aerie Retreat Client Care.

Integrating your workshop experience into your everyday life is a big part of the transformative process.
To support your process, we have created a Four-Week Follow Up Program so that you are well held and supported post-workshop.
We will examine any challenges that are arising for you, as well as show you how to put the workshop tools and resources into practice in your day-to day life.
Please mark your calendar for the following dates:
Thursdays – May 1, 8, 15 & 22
5:30pm – 6:45pm PT
Email with Zoom details to follow.
Many of the answers can be found on this page, but in case you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact Natalie at The Aerie Retreat with any questions or concerns. The Aerie is a satellite community of COR.