Change your mind, inhabit your body, deepen your relationships,
renew your heart.
Online and in-person experiential workshops and trainings to help you live life with
generosity, joy, and fulfillment
At COR, we create huge shifts for our clients. We do not identify as a self-improvement organization; we believe there is nothing to “fix” about you. The journey to fundamental shifts in our lives is not about fixing anything. It is the journey of embracing all the parts of ourselves, the gold and the shadow. It’s in re-discovering parts of ourselves which have always been there but might have been forgotten through the stress and pain of our lives.
We believe in the essential goodness of all humans—It’s the first of our 12 Foundational Principles. We believe in the complementary nature of masculinity and femininity. We believe in embracing the idea of being versus doing, allowing versus forcing, interconnection versus separateness. We work with men and with women, in spaces where they are supporting each other, and healing each other.
We’re different. Our work is different.

At COR, we create huge shifts for our clients. We do not identify as a self-improvement organization; we believe there is nothing to “fix” about you.
We believe in the essential goodness of all humans—It’s the first of our 12 Foundational Principles. We believe in the complementary nature of masculinity and femininity.
It’s based in the body, in scientifically-proven somatic principles that help people release the past and powerfully step into the present.
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