COR Alumni Academy {May 17: Walking In Their Shoes}
Do you want to brush up and get more skillful on facilitation and leadership practices?
Do you wish to see more demos – from Britta and Lee – to go deeper with potent COR leadership and facilitation skills?
Are you seeking a space to practice facilitating and receive real time feedback?
Continue your journey in our NEW continued education workshop series, exclusive for LDT alumni.
The COR Alumni Academy is a place for continued learning and leadership skill refinement. LDT/ALFT Alumni are invited to join Britta and Lee in online workshops throughout the year to revisit tools, practices, and themes introduced in our leadership trainings. Workshop sessions include brief teachings, demos, and supervised practice. This is leadership mastery!
All sessions are on Fridays, from 12pm – 3pm ET via Zoom and are recorded. Register for one, two, or all three workshop sessions.
May 17: Walking In Their Shoes
This is the third way of Pillow Work. The one we generally only mention, but never really get to demo or practice. It is one of the most powerful tools we know to build compassion and understanding for someone we are in conflict with. It goes deep, as it connects to “The Field” as we know it from Family Constellations. A potent tool you simply want to have in your toolbelt as a facilitator/compassionate leader.
August 2: Message in the Body
Formerly ‘Presencing a Feeling in the Body’ – this ALFT skill* builds on Somatic Tracking from LDT, but takes it an important step further, to the CORE MESSAGE a certain feeling in the body has when one is triggered. This is one of COR’s basic and most often used tools, from which you get so much information as a facilitator. Understanding the nuances of this will be so very helpful!
November 22: Re-Patterning: Practicing a New Way of Being
A foundational ALFT skill* that can be done one-on-one or in a group setting. A powerful way to pattern a new possibility into our nervous system, this is about CONSCIOUSLY practicing a desired new way of being. We guide someone to stay present and aware of what might arise during this practice, so we can bring this new way of being powerfully forth into our day-to-day life.
*ALFT skill sessions are open to all Leadership alumni (you do not have to have completed ALFT!)
All 3 Trainings: $497
Individual Training: $197
All training sessions are from 12pm – 3pm ET via Zoom.